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Motorcycle season is here

With spring comes the motorcycle season! I know that many of you ride all year round, but there are many lazy and cold people who don’t want to know anything about motorcycles until the warm weather arrives. Since we already have it here I present to you the five best tips to start the season off right.

1. Train your third eye.

Simulate complicated situations, such as cornering or emergency braking, by visualizing them in your mind before hitting the road. This mental preparation technique is often used by people who practice speed sports, such as skiing and bobsleighing: before setting off, go through the entire route mentally, turn by turn. This helps you internalize both the movements and the timing.

2. Biker’s clothing: smart and protected

The helmet is not the only thing you need; every item of clothing should protect you in some way: motorcycle clothing should include protectors for the back, shoulders, rear, hips and elbows. This significantly reduces the risk of broken bones. Knees, ankles and shins also need protection in the form of padding, as the legs are always very exposed. This is why it is highly recommended to wear motorcycle boots with a high shaft that protrudes above the ankle. Also important: never ride without abrasion-resistant gloves, even in summer.

3. Be flexible

You don’t have to be a weightlifter to ride a motorcycle. But it is important to have a good basic level of fitness and the necessary flexibility. Riding a motorcycle puts a lot of strain on your neck, wrists and fingers. That is why experts recommend an exercise program to strengthen the neck and muscles, as well as the fingers, for example by training with a ball (squash or tennis).

4. It’s good to stand out (but not as you imagine 🙂 )

Make yourself as visible as possible: wear eye-catching clothes in contrasting colors that include reflective shields. Clothing should also be clean so that no dirt or debris prevents the shields from reflecting light. Car drivers often do not notice the narrow silhouette of a motorcyclist, especially at the beginning of the season. This is another reason why the risk of an accident on a motorcycle is much higher than in a car. Everyone who rides a motorcycle should always be aware of this. It is also important to always ride with your dipped headlights on. This ensures that you are seen. Also, it is as important to see as it is to be seen. Make sure you regularly clean and maintain your helmet, clean the visor and make sure it opens and closes easily so you can ride safely.

Take care of yourself: get the best protection so you can really enjoy the upcoming season.

5. Maintain your bike!

Every bike needs a tune-up at the beginning of the season. Take the time to remove all the dust accumulated during the winter and carefully inspect your bike for breakdowns. Key areas to cover:

Battery: Replace defective batteries immediately and have them checked every four years by your trusted mechanic.
Tires: Check tire condition, air pressure and tread depth (at least 1.6 mm) before your first ride and at regular intervals thereafter.
Fluids: Before your first trip it is essential that you check the oil, coolant and brake fluid levels.
Lights: Do all turn signals and lights work (low beam, high beam, high beam, parking, brake)? Does the horn work? Replace defective lights and lenses.
Brakes: Make sure the hand and foot brakes hold well and release easily. If not, go to the nearest garage. Also check that the brake cables are not broken, damaged or leaking.
Chain: Apply chain lubricant and check the tension against the rear wheel.

Happy start of the season!

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