Asia For Adventure

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Motorbike tours

Kyrgyzstan offers bikers unique and amazing roads, with countless mountain passes and unpaved roads. We offer you a wide variety of options in terms of distance and complexity of the route. There are places in Kyrgyzstan where there has never been a motorcyclist before.

We offer motorcycle trips to one of the largest mountain systems in Central Asia, the Pamir Passes and the Wakhan Corridor, remnants of the Great Silk Road through the Asian countries of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan where you will travel routes as old as human history.

Come and ride the ancient Silk Road by motorcycle, and enjoy the freedom and the wind in your face.

We can also offer self-guided tours where you can rent a motorcycle and enjoy at your own pace. Write to us for more information about the different possibilities.

“There is nothing quite like the simple pleasure of riding a motorcycle.”

If you like motorcycle tours, take a look at our tours:

Don’t have many days? We have prepared and verified this route for you so that you can still experience motorcycling in Kyrgyzstan. We will take you to Tash Rabat, one of the oldest [...]

2-10 personas


7 days / 6 nights

Traveling by motorcycle in Kyrgyzstan allows us to explore its most emblematic corners, from the ancient ruins of Burana to the majestic peaks of the Tian Shan Mountains. We will explore impressive alpine [...]

2 - 10 personas


9 days/8 nights

The most adventurous tour that explores Tajikistan in depth. The Pamir is a region with its own personality and culture where the most legendary roads in the world run. We will visit the [...]

2 - 10 personas


10 days / 9 nights

The most adventurous tour that explores Tajikistan in depth. The Pamir is a region with its own personality and culture where the most legendary roads in the world run. We will visit the [...]

2-10 personas


15 days / 14 nights

Every time you hear a country ending in “Stan” what does it produce inside you? Playful ants, right? Well, we have created a tour for you to multiply that feeling by 4. The [...]

2-10 personas

May - October

14 days / 13 nights



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